Results for 'Edy Korthals Altes Door'

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  1. Christelijke traditie.Edy Korthals Altes Door - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Aesthetic autonomy: problems and perspectives.Barend van Heusden & Liesbeth Korthals Altes (eds.) - 2004 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    This volume contains a selection of essays presented at the international conference on Cultural Crises in Art and Literature, held in Groningen in November 2002, in a special session on the question of the autonomy of the arts. Do we witness, in western culture, the end of the autonomy of the arts as it has been conceptualized and institutionalized since the eighteenth century? Indeed, developments of quite a different nature seem to have contributed to a blurring of boundaries between art (...)
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    Authorship Revisited: Conceptions of Authorship Around 1900 and 2000.G. J. Dorleijn, Ralf Grüttemeier & Liesbeth Korthals Altes (eds.) - 2010 - Peeters.
    How do conceptions of the literary author change throughout history, and how do they function in specific contexts? The present volume aims to investigate debates on the concept of authorship as a struggle of participants - writers, critics, and scholars - over different conceptions of interpretation. In this struggle all kinds of literary and non-literary norms appear to be at stake. The volume compares the time span around 1900 and 2000, and contrasts the French situation with conditions in other cultures (...)
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    Gilgamesh and the Power of Narration.Liesbeth Korthals Altes - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (2):183-193.
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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  6. Het zwijgen van de natuur - Een respectvolle houding ten opzichte van de natuur houdt noodzakelijkerwijs ook een zekere distantie in.Martin Drenthen - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17:187-199.
    Milieufilosofisch Nederland wordt momenteel verdeeld door een controverse naar aanleiding vanrecente publicaties van de Wageningse filosofen Keulartz en Korthals. In dit artikel wil ik - aande hand van een analyse van het gebruik van het natuurbegrip bij Wim Zweers - laten zien dat Keulartz op een tot nu toe onderbelicht probleem wijst: het probleem van de veelheid vannatuurbeelden. Tegelijkertijd wil ik echter aantonen dat Keulartz' eigen, 'post-naturalistische' positie op een tegenspraak berust. Tenslotte geef ik aan hoe deze controverses (...)
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    Taal, macht en identiteitspolitiek: een kritische blik op Gijs van Oenen's 'Culturele veldslagen'.Karen Vintges - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):180-185.
    Emancipatie is goed, identiteitspolitiek is fout, zo luidt de strekking van het recente boek van politiek filosoof Gijs van Oenen, getiteld Culturele veldslagen: Filosofie van de culture wars. Kritiek op identiteitspolitiek - vooral die in de woke vorm – is vandaag de dag niks bijzonders. Ook de analyse van Van Oenen dat er net zo goed een identiteitspolitiek van rechts als van links bestaat is niet nieuw, evenmin als zijn ‘oplossing’ namelijk liberalisme en de rechtsstaat – beide treffen we bijvoorbeeld (...)
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  8. Postpandemisch extremisme in Vlaanderen: de nasleep van de zaak Conings.Evelien Geerts - 2023 - Kif Kif.
    Geheel in lijn met de rest van Europa-denk bijvoorbeeld aan de toegenomen populariteit van de radicaal-rechtse Zweden-Democraten (Sverigedemokraterna) en de verkiezing van de eerste naoorlogse radicaal-rechtse premier van Italië, Giorgia Meloni-maakt postpandemisch België een politieke draai naar (radicaal) rechts. Deze wending is vooral merkbaar in Vlaanderen: Uit een krantenpeiling van december 2022 blijkt dat 25,5 procent van de Vlamingen bij de volgende verkiezingen van plan is om op het Vlaams Belang te stemmen, die op de voet gevolgd worden door (...)
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  9. België en de zaak Conings: pandemiepolitiek en extreemrechts terrorisme.Evelien Geerts - 2021 - Kif Kif.
    Ongeveer vijf weken na de start van de jacht op Jürgen Conings, de Belgische beroepsmilitair gezocht omwille van het bedreigen van viroloog Marc Van Ranst en andere prominente doelwitten, vond men zijn stoffelijk overschot terug in het Dilserbos, Dilsen-Stokkem. Ook na zijn dood – Conings overleed hoogstwaarschijnlijk door zelfmoord – blijft de zaak Conings het Belgische sociaal-politieke landschap beroeren en de publieke opinie verdelen: de mate van steun die Conings de afgelopen weken kreeg, toont nog maar eens aan dat (...)
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    An expected utility theory for state-dependent preferences.Edi Karni & David Schmeidler - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (4):467-478.
    This note is a generalization and improved interpretation of the main result of Karni and Schmeidler. A decision-maker is supposed to possess a preference relation on acts and another preference relation on state-prize lotteries, both of which are assumed to satisfy the von Neumann–Morgenstern axioms. In addition, the two preference relations restricted to a state of nature are assumed to agree. We show that these axioms are necessary and sufficient for the existence of subjective expected utility over acts with state-dependent (...)
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    Abstract Forms of Quantification in the Quantified Argument Calculus.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):449-479.
    The Quantified argument calculus (Quarc) has received a lot of attention recently as an interesting system of quantified logic which eschews the use of variables and unrestricted quantification, but nonetheless achieves results similar to the Predicate calculus (PC) by employing quantifiers applied directly to predicates instead. Despite this noted similarity, the issue of the relationship between Quarc and PC has so far not been definitively resolved. We address this question in the present paper, and then expand upon that result. Utilizing (...)
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  12. Europese pensioenenbom tikt door.Door Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Truth and Consequences: When Is It Rational to Accept Falsehoods?Taner Edis & Maarten Boudry - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):147-169.
    Judgments of the rationality of beliefs must take the costs of acquiring and possessing beliefs into consideration. In that case, certain false beliefs, especially those that are associated with the benefits of a cohesive community, can be seen to be useful for an agent and perhaps instrumentally rational to hold. A distinction should be made between excusable misbeliefs, which a rational agent should tolerate, and misbeliefs that are defensible in their own right because they confer benefits on the agent. Likely (...)
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    Expression and metaphor.James M. Edie - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (4):538-561.
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    Husserl's Conception of “The Grammatical” and Contemporary Linguistics.James M. Edie - 1977 - In Jitendranath Mohanty (ed.), Readings on Edmund Husserl's Logical investigations. The Hague: M. Nijhoff. pp. 137--161.
  16. Ethical rooms for maneuver and their prospects vis-à-vis the current ethical food policies in europe.Michiel Korthals - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (3):249-273.
    In this paper I want to show that consumer concerns can be implemented in food chains by organizing ethical discussions of conflicting values that include them as participators. First, it is argued that there are several types of consumer concerns about food and agriculture that are multi-interpretable and often contradict each other or are at least difficult to reconcile without considerable loss. Second, these consumer concerns are inherently dynamic because they respond to difficult and complex societal and technological situations and (...)
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    De effectiviteit van wetsvoorstellen en amendementen als parlementair wetgevend initiatief.Edi Clijsters, Willy Van Schoor & Vic Meeusen - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (1-2):189-212.
    The relative rate of success of parliamentary vs. governmental legislative initiative is quite different. The examination of one, resp. two full legislative term, for amendments, resp. bills introduced, shows thatparliamentary legislative initiative by far exceeds «regular» governmental initiative : in a ratio of 3 to 1 for bills, and of 4 to 1 for amendments. But the results are almost inverse : governmental initiative accounts for 76 % of the bills, and for 67 % of the amendments eventually voted. The (...)
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  18. Is the Universe Rational?Taner Edis - 2010 - Free Inquiry 30:27-29.
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    Filosofie en intersubjectiviteit: een kritische inleiding in de systematische filosofie.Michiel Korthals - 1983 - Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
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  20. Ethik im Journalismus: Experten-Workshop zu vier Thesen von Daniel Cornu, Bern, 25. Oktober 1996.Edi Kradolfer (ed.) - 1997 - Bern: Nationale Schweizerische UNESCO-Kommission.
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    Some Limitations on the Applications of Propositional Logic.Edi Pavlović - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):471-477.
    This paper introduces a logic game which can be used to demonstrate the working of Boolean connectives. The simplicity of the system turns out to lead to some interesting meta-theoretical properties, which themselves carry a philosophical import. After introducing the system, we demonstrate an interesting feature of it—that it, while being an accurate model of propositional logic Booleans, does not contain any tautologies nor contradictions. This result allows us to make explicit a limitation of application of propositional logic to those (...)
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  22. Patung loro blonyo dalam konteks budaya Jawa.Edy Tri Sulistyo - 2011 - In Slamet Subiyantoro (ed.), Simbol-Simbol Kebudayaan Jawa: Loro Blonyo, Joglo, Dan Ritual Tradisional. Sebelas Maret University Press.
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  23. Reflections on the International Networking Conference “Ethical and Social Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – Agrifood and Health”, Brussels, September 2011.Michiel Korthals & Cristian Timmermann - 2011 - Synesis 3 (1):G66-73.
    Public goods, as well as commercial commodities, are affected by exclusive arrangements secured by intellectual property (IP) rights. These rights serve as an incentive to invest human and material capital in research and development. Particularly in the life sciences, IP rights regulate objects such as food and medicines that are key to securing human rights, especially the right to adequate food and the right to health. Consequently, IP serves private (economic) and public interests. Part of this charge claims that the (...)
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    Ethics and Politics of Food: Toward a Deliberative Perspective.Michiel Korthals - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):445-463.
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    Être et Individualité, Éléments pour une Phénoménologie de l'homme Moderne.James M. Edie & Georges Vallin - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (3):431.
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    Patterns of the Life-World.Life-World and Consciousness.James Edie, Francis Parker, Calvin Schrag & Lester Embree - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):122-124.
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    The meaning and development of Merleau-ponty's concept of structure.James M. Edie - 1980 - Research in Phenomenology 10 (1):39-57.
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    Basic principles and approaches of using the project methodology in teaching speaking to students.Edie Mustafaeva - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):295-299.
    The article describes and analyzes the basic principles and approaches of using the project methodology in teaching spoken English to students. The analysis has identified the basic provisions of the fundamental principles and approaches on which the process of developing a project methodology for teaching students' conversational speech is based.
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    Il capriccio di Dio: una ragione in bilico tra Atene e Gerusalemme.Edi Natali - 2017 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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    Flipping a quantum Coin.Edis Taner - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (2):60.
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    Proof-theoretic analysis of the quantified argument calculus.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):607-636.
    This article investigates the proof theory of the Quantified Argument Calculus as developed and systematically studied by Hanoch Ben-Yami [3, 4]. Ben-Yami makes use of natural deduction, we, however, have chosen a sequent calculus presentation, which allows for the proofs of a multitude of significant meta-theoretic results with minor modifications to the Gentzen’s original framework, i.e., LK. As will be made clear in course of the article LK-Quarc will enjoy cut elimination and its corollaries.
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    A More Unified Approach to Free Logics.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (1):117-148.
    Free logics is a family of first-order logics which came about as a result of examining the existence assumptions of classical logic. What those assumptions are varies, but the central ones are that the domain of interpretation is not empty, every name denotes exactly one object in the domain and the quantifiers have existential import. Free logics usually reject the claim that names need to denote in, and of the systems considered in this paper, the positive free logic concedes that (...)
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  33. Emotions, Truths and Meanings Regarding Cattle: Should We Eat Meat? [REVIEW]Michiel Korthals - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):625-629.
    Emotions, Truths and Meanings Regarding Cattle: Should We Eat Meat? Content Type Journal Article Category Review Paper Pages 1-5 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9334-2 Authors Michiel Korthals, Department of Applied Philosophy, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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    Decidable Fragments of the Quantified Argument Calculus.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):736-761.
    This paper extends the investigations into logical properties of the quantified argument calculus (Quarc) by suggesting a series of proper subsystems which, although retaining the entire vocabulary of Quarc, restrict quantification in such a way as to make the result decidable. The proof of decidability is via a procedure that prunes the infinite branches of a derivation tree in what is a syntactic counterpart of semantic filtration. We demonstrate an application of one of these systems by showing that Aristotle’s assertoric (...)
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  35. State-Dependent Utility.Edi Karni - 2009 - In Paul Anand, Prasanta Pattanaik & Clemens Puppe (eds.), Handbook of Rational and Social Choice. Oxford University Press.
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    Ethics in Technological Culture: A Programmatic Proposal for a Pragmatist Approach.Tsjalling Swierstra, Michiel Korthals, Maartje Schermer & Jozef Keulartz - 2004 - Science, Technology and Human Values 29 (1):3-29.
    Neither traditional philosophy nor current applied ethics seem able to cope adequately with the highly dynamic character of our modern technological culture. This is because they have insufficient insight into the moral significance of technological artifacts and systems. Here, much can be learned from recent science and technology studies. They have opened up the black box of technological developments and have revealed the intimate intertwinement of technology and society in minute detail. However, while applied ethics is characterized by a certain (...)
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    The primacy of pre-thought.James Edie - 1964 - World Futures 3 (1):93-96.
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    History and the question of identity: Kant, Arendt, Ricoeur.Edi Pucci - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (5-6):125-136.
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    Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology: A Critical Commentary.James M. Edie - 1987 - Indiana University Press.
    All of the major themes of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology, from the Logical Investigations to The Crisis of the European Sciences, are investigated from a critical point of view by James M. Edie. The philosophy of logic is considered insofar as it relates to the phenomenological and transcendental foundation of logic itself. Transcendental logic is studied with reference to both the formal logic of Aristotle and Leibniz and the dialectical logic of Hegel. Edie considers Husserl's theories of meaning and reference, intentionality, (...)
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  40. New essays in phenomenology.James M. Edie (ed.) - 1969 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books.
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    Neutral Free Logic: Motivation, Proof Theory and Models.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (2):519-554.
    Free logics are a family of first-order logics which came about as a result of examining the existence assumptions of classical logic (Hintikka _The Journal of Philosophy_, _56_, 125–137 1959 ; Lambert _Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic_, _8_, 133–144 1967, 1997, 2001 ). What those assumptions are varies, but the central ones are that (i) the domain of interpretation is not empty, (ii) every name denotes exactly one object in the domain and (iii) the quantifiers have existential import. Free (...)
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  42. PROMOTING FOOD BIOFORTIFICATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTORS THROUGH SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NATIONAL POLICIES.Komang Agus Edi Suyoga, Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food biofortification practices in agricultural sectors involve the process of employing biotechnology to enhance the nutritional content of crops during their growth process. Biofortification makes foods even more nutritious and highly functional for addressing malnutrition among children. These practices in farming industries need guidance and legal support from various national policies to support high-quality supplies of school meals fully. Aim: This study aims to analyze the association between various national policies and the implementation of food biofortification practices in agricultural (...)
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    La philosophie de Max Scheler, son evolution et son unite.La Philosophie de la religion chez Max Scheler.James M. Edie - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (4):587-588.
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    Appearance and Reality: An Essay on the Philosophy of Theater.James N. Edie - 1982 - In Ronald Bruzina & Bruce W. Wilshire (eds.), Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. State University of New York Press. pp. 339--52.
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  45. Husserls conception of ideality of language.James M. Edie - 1975 - Humanitas 11 (2):201-217.
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    Notes on the Philosophical Anthropology of William James.James M. Edie - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 8:141-159.
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    Russian philosophy.James M. Edie - 1965 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books. Edited by James P. Scanlan & Mary-Barbara Zeldin.
    v. 1. The beginnings of Russian philosophy: the Slavophiles. The Westernizers.--v. 2. The Nihilists. The Populists. Critics of religion and culture.--v. 3. Pre-revolutionary philosophy and theology. Philosophers in exile. Marxists and Communists.
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  48. Science and Religion - Flipping a Quantum Coin.Taner Edis - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23.
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  49. The Absence of God.James M. Edie - 1963 - In William A. Earle, James M. Edie & John Wild (eds.), Christianity and existentialism. [Evanston, Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. pp. 11348.
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    The philosophical framework of Sartre's theory of the theater.James M. Edie - 1994 - Man and World 27 (4):415-444.
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